Boxes & Vases


Geometric Resin Vase

These resin vases are great for keeping all sorts of things in, not just flowers. Customisable with a variety of colours, they’re a great present. Suitable for one special stem, these geometric vases use antique test tubes to great effect. They can be purchased by contacting us directly here.

Vintage Test Tube Vases

Suitable for one special stem, these geometric vases use antique test tubes to great effect. They can be purchased by contacting us directly here.

New Zealand Rimu Jewellery Box

This jewellery box is constructed of New Zealand Rimu and at nearly 600mm long, is big enough to keep even the largest collection of bling!

New Zealand Rimu Jewellery Boxes

Simple wooden jewellery boxes with a variety of stones inlayed as handles.

Rustic Jewellery Boxes

These swivel-top jewellery boxes are cut from hardwood fence posts and have just been sanded on the cut faces to bring out the amazing grain and provide contrast. The outsides are left alone, giving them rustic charm.